ADRIFT explores voice assistants as a future mode of talking therapy, completed as part of the MSc Design for Interaction programme at TU Delft. The project specifically addresses the experiences of international students. Using DialogFlow, a chatbot was created to ask questions about mental health and to recognise emotive words in spoken responses. A corresponding real-time visual experience was made in TouchDesigner, which used colour as an expression of the detected emotion. The colours were determined through generative creative sessions with users.

In the project team, my role focused on developing the chatbot, managing data collection, programming the live feed of data from Firebase to TouchDesigner via Processing, and automating colour changes according to received data. I also conducted user research to understand users' perceptions of emotional language.
1 - An example conversation with the chatbot via Google Assistant.
- An example live visualisation of the ADRIFT experience. The colour changes from yellow to red as a user expresses happiness, then anger.
3 - Participants' changing emotions throughout the experience were documented using a visual journey map.